387 words of content, but it’s mostly about the pictures. Approximate reading time: 1.5 minutes, and a 9-minute video for later, in which you’ll learn how to change a habit and build a confident body. And isn’t your Happiness worth it?
This newsletter speaks to Leadership, Happiness, and Coaching in your life and work.
Grow Your Business Cleveland (gybcle.com) is a local effort to promote small businesses. Thanks to sponsorship funding, the entire production process is led by teams of local college interns under the tutelage of industry veterans. I was selected last year for a promotional piece and did my filming last semester for this January release.
GYB’s uniqueness lies in the back story. Once the standard 2-3 minute information piece is done, they go behind the scenes with their subjects to explore personal stories and tips.
I am delighted with the output; so much so that I decided to make the video my newsletter this month! (use this link or click on the photo above). Here is the summary from their site:
In this episode Jim Smith, Executive Coach, Change Consultant, And Lover of Dark Chocolate shares How To Become an Unstoppable Force for Personal Transformation!
After the tip, we go backstage where Jim shares, Living his own advice at home, Why he worships the forces of darkness, How to build a confident body and more!
NOTE: the entire video is nine minutes long, but it goes fast. First up: a three-minute piece on How to Change a Habit. At 3:15 is a back story on how I live what I teach. At 4:50 you’ll learn about my Dark Side, and at 6:25 is a short segment on How to Build a Confident Body.
Do You Skimm Yet?
As I shared last month, The Skimm’s quirky news summary is one of my daily MUST READs. It’s a quick, easy, and entertaining way to know what’s going on in the world.
New development: as a result of my sharing The Skimm in last month’s column, many of you subscribed, and I was (unbeknownst to me) entered into a prize drawing. I won a T-shirt and bag, along with a small cash prize that I’m investing back into my own marketing efforts in 2018. THANK YOU
More Distractions
Does life distract from work or does work distract from life? No matter how you see it, seems there’s always something pulling attention from whatever you’re supposed to be doing right now.
One of my distractions is brand new. On December 30 (just in time for a tax deduction!) we welcomed a fourth grandchild into the household. Meet Emma Sachiko, who joins siblings Jonathan, Clara, and Ryan. So now you know one of the reasons I’m always happy!
Photos ©2018, Danielle Zummo Photography