Lessons Learned From A Pandemic – Part Two

This post continues the sharing of lessons learned from a dumpster fire of a year… that despite obstacles and tragedy, still offered learning and opportunity. On Your Inner Life You can live well AND slower. Many of you reconnected with Patience, Silence, Stillness, and Sleep. “I can slow down and still get everything done. I don’t … Read more


Lessons Learned from a Pandemic Year As we wrapped 2020 I asked members of my tribe to reflect–in a positive way–on what you learned from the “dumpster fire” that was 2020. I continue to ask that question in every meeting and talk I attend. And what rich sharing it has been! While media headlines have … Read more

14 Life Lessons from a Trip to Italy

Immersion in a foreign culture refreshes the way I view the world. First, the “different-ness” of life in another country or region opens up new awareness; then, my newly expanded lens causes me to review habits and beliefs that were previously “invisible” to me. Through the lens of learning, I share with you my most powerful life lessons from my family’s recent trip to Italy: