Happy Math — Impact a Million!

My friend Craig James of Cat-Strat.com (a man who lives in abundant happiness) shared his vision of personal impact with me, and I called it Happy Math. I am reprinting a portion of one of his blog posts to offer proof that you are AMAZING in your impact on the world. (read more)

19 Amazingly Simple Ways to Release Stress and Be Fully Present

Stress works like a balloon – it keeps getting bigger and bigger till it pops. When you train your body to release stress, it’s like releasing air from the balloon. Each time, you recapture some of your capacity.
Try one or two of these practices several times daily for 30 days, and I promise you’ll notice a difference in your stress levels. Enjoy!

Play to Win

I was fortunate to begin my career with a company that really lived into the mantra, “work hard, play hard.” We used employee meetings to celebrate accomplishments, we threw parties to mark successful projects, invited family to annual picnics and frequent open houses, and encouraged people to decorate for nearly every holiday – with Halloween as a peak … Read more

Play Like a Kid

I was recruited to deliver the keynote presentation at a regional Human Resources conference in Tampa. My dear wife suggested that I take an extra day to enjoy the sunshine. What?! No way! I’m too busy. I have backlog. I… I’m burned out. So after the conference ended I drove to Orlando, had dinner with … Read more

Are You Serious About Play?

When I ask any audience about the value of Happiness, they quickly create a long list of positive outcomes. Among these are better relationships and health, lower stress, and higher productivity and creativity. What if I told you there was something that could give you all the above PLUS make you more flexible and adaptable? … Read more

Act Happy Week, Day 5: Say Thank You

Today is the final day of Act Happy week: a week-long series on using your body to invoke Happiness. Today: Say Thank You — expressing Gratitude changes your body chemistry AND changes the environment around you (a 60-second lesson — read more at the blog)

Act Happy Week, Day 4: Fake It to Feel It

Today is the fourth day of Act Happy week: in a week-long series on using your body to invoke Happiness. Today: Fake It Till You Make It — change your body to change your emotional space (a 60-second lesson — read more at the blog)