Leaders Create the Right Environment for a Happier Team

Probably the best checklist in the world 
Happy, engaged employees are good for an organization. Research shows they are more creative, more productive, make better decisions, offer better service, and are more willing to go the extra mile.
What’s more, happiness is as contagious as the flu, but it creates a positive vibe that leads to further engagement. To bring more of that into your team, focus on what positive psychologists have identified as the three tiers of happiness: pleasure, engagement, and meaning.
Consider whether you are actively encouraging these things in the people on your team:

  • Do they enjoy their relationships and their environment at work?
  • Do they fill roles that fit their skill sets and offer appropriate challenges?
  • Do they understand where they fit in, and feel they’re a part of something that matters?
  • Do they know where they stand?
  • Do they have a voice?
  • Do they laugh and have fun?

If the answer is no to any of these questions, brainstorm how you can adjust the team environment to bring more happiness in. As a leader, you’re not responsible for “taking care” of all these things, but you ARE responsible for making sure they are addressed.
Have open conversations, and ask your team what they need to better support their enjoying themselves, feeling connected, and making a difference.
Remember, Leadership is not about a title: Anyone can be a leader who fosters dialogue and a positive workplace environment.
Photo credit: mistersnappy via Compfight

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