COVID Brain Part 3: Awesomeness

Cookies at back of freezer

COVID Brain Part 3: Awesomeness

One of my favorite writers has been posting daily bits of Pandemic Awesomeness. Inspired, I’ve been working on my own list.

  • Discovering that I DO have the motivation to exercise even though the gyms are closed
  • Having fresh baked bread twice a week for the past 20 weeks – because there’s no place to go on the weekends!
  • Naming our sourdough culture because we spend more time with it than actual people
  • Getting to know our postal carrier’s entire life history because we are home every day when the mail arrives
  • Never having to worry about forgetting my lunch at home
  • Haven’t had to iron anything since… what’s an iron, again?
  • Organizing five years of digital photos
  • Dusting my shoes
  • Sending a big donation to the food bank because I haven’t been buying that daily latte
  • Having time to fold my underwear and match my socks
  • No one knows if I spill coffee on my pants
  • Corollary to above: Who cares what it looks like if it can’t be seen on video?!
  • Playing with fun Virtual Backgrounds on Zoom
  • Listening to my favorite artist’s new album – ten times in a row
  •  Finding an old box of Girl Scout cookies in the back of the freezer, and they’re still good!

And of course, if you’ve been following my adventures:

  •  Pond Mucking! This project would never have taken off if not for quarantine.

Your turn. What are the little awesomenesses you’ve stumbled upon in pandemic quarantine? Write them down. Invite others to share theirs on your next family or friends’ online social hour.