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Everyday Happiness
- Act Happy Week 2023, Day 5: Self-Expression
- Act Happy Week 2023, Day 4: Self-Talk
- Act Happy Week 2023, Day 3: Self-Work
- Act Happy Week 2023, Day 2: Self-Care
5 Prescriptions for Happiness (downloadable PDF)
Strategies for Personal Change
- Book Reviews – Top 2 for ’21
- Done is Better than Perfect
- ThanksGETTING – How do you receive a Gift?
Leadership and Workplace
- How To Ask For Coaching
- ThanksGETTING – How do you receive a Gift?
- Three Simple Rules
Happiness Principles
- #6: Tolerate Nothing (downloadable PDF)
Annual Planning Kits
- Jim’s Annual Planning Kit for Couples (downloadable PDF)
- Jim’s Annual Planning Kit for Individuals (downloadable PDF)
Blog posts:
We Gotta Make Our Own Happiness
Even with the catchup sleep, however, I still felt ‘on edge’ once I got up and functioning. I went in to my office to start work, and could not focus or sit still. I kept wandering around inside and outside the house, and eventually found myself out on my deck.
It took a while for me to realize that I’d been standing there — just standing in place — for a couple of minutes, just listening to the wind chimes. That’s when I noticed that, for the first time in several hours, I felt calm. So, I sat down in a spot of sun on my deck and let go of needing to do anything else. I sat there for… Oh, I don’t know; maybe ten minutes? For ten minutes I sat in just that moment. I savored the symphony of wind chimes. I felt the cool breeze on my body. I drifted with the songs of chirping crickets as they waxed and waned. I reveled in the brilliant blue sky, cloudless and crystal clear. I watched two squirrels chasing each other up and down a fence and across the neighbor’s yard. I wondered at the beauty of the shasta daisies, crisply white and yellow against a sea of green, as they bobbed and swayed in the breeze (I even took this picture!) And I breathed. Just breathed it all in. I sat in the middle of an absolutely spectacular moment on a perfect late summer day and… and nothing. I just sat and enjoyed being fully present. My tank felt fully recharged after that. Confession: I experienced a moment of guilt as I gathered my thoughts and came inside to my office. I’ve got so much to do, so many things on my desk. What was I doing? I wasn’t Doing. I was Being. We gotta make our own happiness. This was one of my moments.