Create a Fresh Start, Any Time

Many managers look to the annual performance appraisal as a time for goal-setting and calibration. It is an important event, but for the feedback-starved associate, that’s like being in school and getting no teacher input until the report cards come out in June. Let’s face it: the annual performance review cycle is a relic of … Read more

Positive Leadership Addictions

If you want to know more about what makes employees happy just take a look at yourself for the answers. What makes you happy about your job? Don’t you find that when you are happy and enjoy the work you do, you actually do better work, your energy level is high, and you have a greater sense of accomplishment? Here are some GOOD addictions to have if you serve as a leader to others. (read more)

The Paradox of Leadership

Jérôme via Compfight As you move up in an organization, it is like you are climbing a mountain – the higher you go, the better the view and the larger the domain you command. AND… the more exposed you become, thus making a better target for snipers. That is the paradox of leadership. The higher … Read more

Stress Costs You Money!

The hottest trending topic in the fields of HR and Leadership is Wellness. Creating healthier, more positive workplace cultures may very well be THE biggest opportunity leaders have ever had to impact the bottom line through people. I received received a new study from the Gallup Organization with some scary new data on the cost … Read more

Why didn't we listen to Henry Ford?

In the early days of the modern age, we had a leader who believed in the power of the human spirit. When he created the assembly line, we embraced that as a tool that ultimately extinguished the human spirit in the workplace. Why didn’t we listen to what else he had to say? (read more)

In the workplace: Focus on the Vital Few

If you’re like many people, you expect a lot – of self and others – on the job.  How much of the stress you experience comes from trying to juggle too many roles, goals, and projects simultaneously? While you may have a dozen or more items on your project list, remember that the maximum most … Read more

Is Your Open Door Policy Killing You?

A common concern I hear from my executive clients is that they have great difficulty with strategy time.  The issue usually presents itself like this: “I can’t find the time to think when I’m constantly being interrupted.”  OK, why are you constantly being interrupted?  The response is usually a form of, “we have an Open … Read more

Why are you Angry about Happiness?

So, I’m speaking at a conference about happiness and leadership, and I’ve just finished describing a practice for sharing Gratitude to build a more positive workplace.  I invite everyone in the room to experience the power of gratitude, so they are to pair up and share something from the past 24 hours for which they … Read more

Remove Barriers to Happiness at Work

A good friend is currently tied up in knots about her workplace culture. The company owner rarely shows up to provide guidance, yet resists giving others the power to put rules and policies into place. So the workplace is chaotic, morale is falling, and my friend is debating whether she will continue to work at … Read more

Communicating Unhappy News

As more and more companies must make the difficult decision to reduce staff and send people packing, I’ve had many leaders come to me and ask for advice on what to tell people when they ask questions. When people suspect a lay off is pending, they shift into constant anxiety. Yet too many top leaders, … Read more