Get Clear On Where You’re Going

Have you ever felt that there’s just not enough time in the day? Most often, when we run out of time for projects or pursuits, the reason is that we’ve spent a lot of time lost in ambiguity. When you’re supremely clear about where you’re going and what you want to do, there’s no time … Read more

Are You Tolerating The Toilet From Hell?

27 years ago we built a large addition to our house, which included a second bathroom for our then-growing family. Life was good. The breakdowns started slowly. At first, it was an ever-so gradual sinking of the floor where the add-on connected to the original house. No big deal. The shower stall leaked. Easily fixed … Read more

A Recipe for Happiness

How do you feed your soul?  Do you grab pre-packaged Pleasure from the freezer, microwave it, and eat on the run; or do you cook up your Joy from scratch using organic, locally-sourced ingredients?  Perhaps you have a saucepan of Gratitude constantly simmering on a back burner?  Or do you wait for others to invite you … Read more

Let It Go To Feel Lighter

Simplify is a suggestion to avoid overindulgence as a lifestyle. When you surround yourself with all the best and the newest, or indulge in richer and more exotic pleasures, you actually narrow your options for experiencing happiness (because you’re weighted down for the “chase”). When you live a simple life, you increase your opportunity for awe.

19 Amazingly Simple Ways to Release Stress and Be Fully Present

Stress works like a balloon – it keeps getting bigger and bigger till it pops. When you train your body to release stress, it’s like releasing air from the balloon. Each time, you recapture some of your capacity.
Try one or two of these practices several times daily for 30 days, and I promise you’ll notice a difference in your stress levels. Enjoy!

Stress Costs You Money!

The hottest trending topic in the fields of HR and Leadership is Wellness. Creating healthier, more positive workplace cultures may very well be THE biggest opportunity leaders have ever had to impact the bottom line through people. I received received a new study from the Gallup Organization with some scary new data on the cost … Read more

Are You a Maximizer? Part 1

Take the Maximizer Assessment and then consider how you behave when faced with making a CHOICE — do you insist on always the Absolute Best, or are you okay with Good Enough for most decisions? How you respond can predict the degree of stress you feel around exercising your freedom to choose!