Happiness is Colored Socks

Today, I celebrate colored socks.
Two months ago I offered my newsletter readers 13 ideas for changing the world, starting with themselves.  One of those ideas (and the one most often commented on) was, “Wear Colored Socks (or something that adds a splash of color, flamboyant, or “wild” to your wardrobe).  The concept is that colored socks start conversations, can create smiles, and shift moods.  Fun stuff.
Well, this concept caught on with my family. who are always on the look out for novel gift ideas

On Christmas morning, then, I received numerous packages filled with fun accessories for the feet.  My daughter had scoured the Internet to find me a literal rainbow of footwear.  This picture is not a stock photo — it is a display of my new colored socks (sans the bright orange ones that I was actually wearing at the time…)
I’ve owned argyle and patterned socks before.  But I gotta tell you, it’s a whole new ballgame when you leave the house wearing dress slacks and a pair of neon orange tube socks, or when you are a communion minister at church and someone spots your kelly green hose. 🙂
My socks have been starting LOTS of conversations over the past few days, and every one of those conversations has been a happy one.
I have a coaching colleague who wears red.  I don’t actually know if it’s a ‘signature’ thing with her, or simply a matter of personal preference, but I can’t think of a time in the past five years when I’ve run into Regina Olbinsky that she was not wearing red clothing or a red accessory or highlight somewhere on her person — a belt, a purse, a splash of red jewelry, or a red business suit or jacket.  Regina always stands out in a roomful of business people mostly dressed in subdued blues, greys, and black.  She creates a spark, and I believe part of that is through her bold use of color.
Do NOT underestimate the power of little things to change the world.
Speaking from personal experience over the course of just five days, I have been witness to several dozen people experiencing a moment of lightness and pure joy that might not have occurred for them if not for the smile that my socks brought to their faces.
Happiness and Colored Socks.  Who knew?

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