Rapid Communication is the Most Powerful tool

When I was a young supervisor fresh from college I was thrown into a turbulent division experiencing 400% growth. The lead underwriter took me under her wing and taught me valuable lessons for dealing with that kind of chaos. “Never leave a problem file sitting on your desk over a weekend,” Jackie taught me. “Problems … Read more

When Fear and Anger Affect Decision-making

Today’s is a guest post by my LA-based colleague, Sharon Rich, who captures beautifully the danger of making decisions based in fear. AND REMEMBER TO VOTE ON TUESDAY! Quote from Sharon: “The best thing for us all in politics, business or life, regardless of whether you lean toward conservative, independent or liberal views, is to reject fear-based thinking (which can come from either side) get the facts and make the best decisions we can, based on our values.”

Censorship: I can only see what I choose to see

Excerpt: There are, almost always, MULTIPLE correct answers. Be careful of believing that the platforms of the anointed ones are the Only Correct Answer. I’m not suggesting I have the best answer; I just beg you to notice that you cannot see what you choose not to see. (read more)

Positive Leadership Addictions

If you want to know more about what makes employees happy just take a look at yourself for the answers. What makes you happy about your job? Don’t you find that when you are happy and enjoy the work you do, you actually do better work, your energy level is high, and you have a greater sense of accomplishment? Here are some GOOD addictions to have if you serve as a leader to others. (read more)

Are You a Maximizer? Part 1

Take the Maximizer Assessment and then consider how you behave when faced with making a CHOICE — do you insist on always the Absolute Best, or are you okay with Good Enough for most decisions? How you respond can predict the degree of stress you feel around exercising your freedom to choose!

Don't Use these Four Dirty Words at Work!

Here are four words that you should not tolerate in the workplace: FAKE – this is toxic for a leader.  If you do not show up in an Authentic way, people will sense it.  Be genuine. FEAR – when we are uncomfortable, we tend to withdraw.  Leaders must step into the DIScomfort of difficult conversations, … Read more

Tell Your Team that You Love Them!

THE GIFT OF GREAT EMPLOYEES Recently, one of my clients was stunned by the resignation of a star employee — a woman he’d been developing for an executive role, possibly even as his successor.  He told me he was meeting with her in a few hours to discuss what he might do to keep her.  … Read more

You won't be good at what you don't do

You would probably not expect yourself to place well in a swimming race if you only got into the pool once every six months. And if you need to generate custom reports from the accounting software, you’ll probably seek training and experience so you can increase your comfort with the programming parameters. When you engage … Read more