Focus on the Few to Increase Productivity

John O’Nolan via Compfight Ah, you expect so much – of self and others – on the job. How much of the stress you experience comes from trying to juggle too many roles, goals, and projects simultaneously? Take a hard look at your current goals. As a human being, your maximum capacity is four to … Read more

Create a Fresh Start, Any Time

Many managers look to the annual performance appraisal as a time for goal-setting and calibration. It is an important event, but for the feedback-starved associate, that’s like being in school and getting no teacher input until the report cards come out in June. Let’s face it: the annual performance review cycle is a relic of … Read more

Positive Leadership Addictions

If you want to know more about what makes employees happy just take a look at yourself for the answers. What makes you happy about your job? Don’t you find that when you are happy and enjoy the work you do, you actually do better work, your energy level is high, and you have a greater sense of accomplishment? Here are some GOOD addictions to have if you serve as a leader to others. (read more)

The Paradox of Leadership

Jérôme via Compfight As you move up in an organization, it is like you are climbing a mountain – the higher you go, the better the view and the larger the domain you command. AND… the more exposed you become, thus making a better target for snipers. That is the paradox of leadership. The higher … Read more

19 Amazingly Simple Ways to Release Stress and Be Fully Present

Stress works like a balloon – it keeps getting bigger and bigger till it pops. When you train your body to release stress, it’s like releasing air from the balloon. Each time, you recapture some of your capacity.
Try one or two of these practices several times daily for 30 days, and I promise you’ll notice a difference in your stress levels. Enjoy!

Stress Costs You Money!

The hottest trending topic in the fields of HR and Leadership is Wellness. Creating healthier, more positive workplace cultures may very well be THE biggest opportunity leaders have ever had to impact the bottom line through people. I received received a new study from the Gallup Organization with some scary new data on the cost … Read more

Play to Win

I was fortunate to begin my career with a company that really lived into the mantra, “work hard, play hard.” We used employee meetings to celebrate accomplishments, we threw parties to mark successful projects, invited family to annual picnics and frequent open houses, and encouraged people to decorate for nearly every holiday – with Halloween as a peak … Read more

How Do You Keep Your Edge as a Coach?

I mentor other coaches, in addition to working directly with clients. One of the coaches I’m currently mentoring wrote to ask how I keep learning. It caused me to reflect, and I ended up sending her and others a list of the resources and some books that I use to keep my own edge sharp. I share them here.

Act Happy Week, Day 5: Say Thank You

Today is the final day of Act Happy week: a week-long series on using your body to invoke Happiness. Today: Say Thank You — expressing Gratitude changes your body chemistry AND changes the environment around you (a 60-second lesson — read more at the blog)

Act Happy Week, Day 4: Fake It to Feel It

Today is the fourth day of Act Happy week: in a week-long series on using your body to invoke Happiness. Today: Fake It Till You Make It — change your body to change your emotional space (a 60-second lesson — read more at the blog)