Life Hack: Why You Should Breathe On Purpose

Recently I was guest on the Leadership Hacks Podcast with my esteemed colleague, Jill Windelspecht, a fellow executive coach and organization consultant. Jill invited me to bring my best hack (shortcut/workaround) to the conversation, so I showed up with the most basic tool in my box: Breathing. You’ve heard me say it before: if you … Read more

How to Stop a Sneeze and Improve Your Life

Part One: Learn to Sneeze Several weeks ago the muscles in my lower back staged a revolt, making it impossible to sit, stand, walk, or lie down without enormous pain. Every time I’m just about over it, something simple trips the spasms again and I’m back to hobbling — one time it was putting on … Read more

12 Positive Practices for a Great Year

A client’s writing inspired this post. When I reach the end of a coaching relationship, I invite the client to reflect on what s/he is taking away from the experience, and what commitments s/he will make going forward to ensure their personal growth continues. Recently a client who is ending a year of coaching sent … Read more

Positive Leadership Addictions

If you want to know more about what makes employees happy just take a look at yourself for the answers. What makes you happy about your job? Don’t you find that when you are happy and enjoy the work you do, you actually do better work, your energy level is high, and you have a greater sense of accomplishment? Here are some GOOD addictions to have if you serve as a leader to others. (read more)

We are what our habits allow us to be

Human development can be seen as a process of waking up to the choices that were there all the time. When we witness the nature of our habituation, when we open to the possibilities that our habits previously screened out, we have a moment of real choice. (and this is where Coaching emerges as midwife to the birth of a new ways of being in the world)

Create Change One Tiny Step at a Time

A moment, take 1: I’m watching my four-month old grandson as he flails his hands about, trying so hard to get his fist into his mouth.  He fails 100% of the time.  He hits his cheek, his forehead, his ears. A moment, take 2: I’m swimming laps in the pool, lost in thought about my … Read more